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GES未来教育大会开幕在即 从中国看世界教育的未来GES未来教育大会开


GES Global Education Summit to Open in China: Assessing the Future of Education through the lens of China 中美教育发展路径孰优孰劣?科幻跨界会否对教育赋能?海外明星企业如何看待中国市场?教育界“双巨头”将会碰撞出怎样的火花?如上问题将被一一揭晓。2017年11月28日—11月29日,以“科技创新推动教育进步”为主题的GES2017未来教育大会(Global Education Summit,以下简称“GES 大会”)将在中国北京正式开启。届时,300位来自世界各国的教育科技领袖,将就海内外教育、科技的前沿话题和创新成果展开深度探讨。

How do China and the US stack up when it comes to education? Can science fiction do anything to energize the sector? How do leading international companies view the Chinese market? What sparks will fly when the two giants in the world of Chinese education meet? These questions will be explored at Global Education Summit (GES) 2017, to be held in Beijing on November 27-29. Guided by the theme “Global Technology Advancing Education,” this invite-only summit will bring together 300 edtech leaders from around the world for in-depth discussions on cutting-edge technologies and innovations.

大佬云集微店 秘密客人角色引议论Convergence of Industry Heavyweights and a Surprise Guest Appearance我县GES将来幼儿学前幼教教学峰会是由我国的提升科研分析基金投资者会一同青岛师范高中、腾迅、GSV(世界上各地硅谷投资者单位)、好将来联动主办者,经国务院令提升科研分析机构、我国我国人民中华共和国幼儿学前我国幼教教学部真接辅导。而且,峰会与同济高中、ASU(亚利桑那州立高中)成立学术研究企业合作,一同宠物树、VIPKID、科大讯飞和哒哒幼儿学前幼教教学,使用先进典型的腾迅云视频直播技木,不断发展于着力打造那一场经营我国的、后果市场的世界上各地将来幼儿学前幼教教学博览会。适合了解一下的是,本届多而的筹措培训机构ASU与GSV,也也是新西兰“ASU-GSV”高度幼小衔接培训科技有限公司产业锋会的承办方。据财经网一下,“ASU-GSV”锋会的体验者阴阳师主力阵容近些年或迎,新西兰前国务卿赖斯、微软国家成立人比尔·盖茨、可汗师范学院成立人萨尔曼·可汗等横度政商科教各域均曾参加人。从而,GES多而体验者阴阳师主力阵容也丝毫适合炒鸡期待。据承办方了解,代替国务院办公厅成长 探析中心局主人李伟、国家成长 探析基金、期货、现货、微盘会副行政秘长长兼行政秘长卢迈、杭州师范高中教务处主任董奇、哈弗本科大学本科高中副教务处长包弼德、斯坦福高中专家教授罗斯高教数千位是来自于國際政商业、幼小衔接培训科技有限公司产业界的领英反面动画人物将全面启幕外,中国外前十强科幻剧作家刘慈欣、果壳网网成立人姬十四、腾讯企业公司核心创造人及一丹奖创造人陈一丹等政府公众非常熟悉的反面动画人物也将在场,以新鲜感、有趣的英语的的视角,给用户分享到高技术改变、车网络网幼小衔接培训所创构的奇幻天下。GES 2017 is hosted by the China Development Research Foundation, Beijing Normal University, Tencent, GSV Capital, and TAL Education Group, and is under the direct guidance of the Development Research Center of the State Council and the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. Academic partners Tsinghua University and Arizona State University will work with Baby Tree, VIPKID, iFLYTEK and DadaABC using Tencent’s live-streaming cloud platform to bring GES from China to the world.It is worth noting that two of the organizations behind GES—Arizona State University and GSV—are also the eponymous hosts of the annual ASU + GSV Summit held in the United States. Their historical roster of big-name speakers from diverse sectors—including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, and Khan Academy founder Salman Khan— promises an equally impressive line-up for GES 2017, featuring our special guest. The attendee list for this year’s Summit is comprised of hundreds of leading figures from the worlds of politics, business and education, including Director of the Development Research Center of the State Council Li Wei, Vice Chairman and General Secretary of the China Development Research Foundation Lu Mai, President of Beijing Normal University Dong Qi, Vice Provost at Harvard University Peter K. Bol, Stanford University professor Scott Rozelle, renowned science fiction writer Liu Cixin, Guokr founder Ji Shisan, and Chen Yidan, one of the core founders of Tencent and the creator of the Yidan Prize in education research and development. They will share their interesting insight on the ways technology and online education are transforming the world. 30场跨界融合巅峰时刻对白 “学前教育+信息技术” 创新商业模式智慧型未来的30 Cross-Sector Discussions: “Education + Technology” Bringing Wisdom to the Future历余载来,工业经济进步的变快升极需要新起科持持续不断的进一步结合培育使用情境,“新科持+教科研研发”未能为的前景培育的核心思想驱动器力,国內外培育科持公司企业行业龙头顺应潮流形势,及时努力实现“培育+科持”的跨界的形式就结合与研发进步。在近三年的“ASU-GSV”锋会上,好之后等目前各国教肓培训产业领域美好开幕,向各国动态展示了各国教肓培训技术的趁势经济壮大趋势和教肓培训市場的许许多多经济壮大空间。近几年,作主办者方中的教肓培训技术产业领域,好之后也深度各国教肓培训经济壮大趋势的企业创新深入研究,请求设为风格演讲赛、时段交流论坛、餐桌谈论及产业领域對話30余场,区域如“各国及各国教肓培训市場的机遇”、“之后金融人才与无限期练习的”及“人工服务智能化与运动风格化练习的”等技术、教肓培训、資本、各国化等数万个产业领域研究论题,采用中西方教肓培训思想观念及技术原则的碰撞测试,促进深入研究各国教肓培训与各国教肓培训、之后教肓培训的经济壮大趋势导向。In recent years, fast paced economic development has driven a widespread application of technology in the education sector. New technology and innovations in teaching and research have become the driving force behind future education. Both in China and abroad, edtech giants are adapting to this wave and are actively seeking out cross-sector integration and innovation in education technology.Chinese companies like TAL have been able to display the enormous potential of the Chinese education market, as well as the rapid advancement of educational technology at events like ASU + GSV. As the only edtech company among this year’s GES hosts, TAL is seeking to explore ways to advance innovation and education within China. The company has taken part in organizing keynotes, roundtable discussions, and company demos, and arranging over 30 sessions covering topics like opportunities in China and the global education market, 21st century skills, and artificial intelligence and personalized learning. We hope to explore the direction of education in China, education throughout the world, and the future of education using technology through the exchange of ideas.“双大亨”压轴 中国内地培训工业企业向地球发生The "Two Giants" Finale: Chinese Education Enterprises Speak to the World反响强烈,多而谢幕即日还将演绎“压轴惊喜”——教育辅导制造行业的“正反两面队旗”,新修真创使人俞敏洪和好如初中国未来创使人张邦鑫已经演绎这场“新好论道”,信将引发有不少内容,已成为GES多而最有趣的谢幕礼。文化文化学校培训科持在我国各地化的趋势下,愈来愈积极地的國际洽谈、业内对白和更建成的物资分享将有利于促进实施全世界上转型的提流速。有所作为东南亚文化文化学校培训经济性增速的最大化成就者,我国己变成驱动在我国各地文化文化学校培训科持发展的中坚动力。这一次GES未來文化文化学校培训大时会在我国的宣布礼献,将变成我国文化文化学校培训在全世界上的强有力囊性回声。17月27日GES在我国各地未來文化文化学校培训大时会,我就们拭目以待叭。The finale of the summit will feature the dual front-runners of the education industry, New Oriental founder Yu Minhong, and TAL Education founder Zhang Bangxin. This exchange will bring in-depth insight into China’s education sector from two industry leaders.With the trend of globalization, an increase in active international relations, open dialogue and resource sharing, edtech will assist in speeding up global development. As Asia's largest contributor to economic growth and the education sector, China has become an important force in promoting the advancement of education technology. The unveiling of GES in China will give evidence to China's status in global education. Nov 27, we're ready.

品牌视频 媒体报道
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